Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Products

Ready to enroll? Think you've memorized the plans? Knowing payouts and rates is fine. But people don't buy products because of  payouts and rates.

People buy because you tell them a story.

And not just any story. A passionate story. A personal story that convinces them why, on God's green earth, they absolutely positively need this product. 

I can't tell you how to share a personal, passionate story. But I can give you a rough idea of where I start. (Again, this is a work in progress). Here goes:


Accident Indemnity

Accident indemnity is designed to pay you cash if you’re injured by a (covered) accident on-or-off the job, anywhere in the world, 24/7/365. This includes an accidental death and dismemberment benefit.

If you’re young, chances are not likely that you’ll have a heart attack, stroke, or cancer. But every year 40 million people do get into accidents. I know because the only times I’ve been in the hospital or urgent care in the last ten years have been due to accidents.

This is a great plan if you don’t currently have a health plan, or if you’re not satisfied with the coverage of the plan you have.

Some golden nuggets:
·      Initial treatment: $120
·      Hospitalization >18 hours: $1,000
·      Specific sums: $35/stitch, $12,500 god forbid a coma
·      Appliance: $125
·      AD&D: pays up to $150,000

This money can be used to pay for medical bills. But like all Aflac plans, they were mainly designed to pay for everything else. Chances are that if a coma happened, all other treatments have happened.

Short-Term Disability

The short-term disability plan is to provide income replacement for up to 24 months if you’re totally/partially disabled and can’t come in to work. This will help ensure that you can still have a source of income while you’re recovering. Pays each day you’re disabled.

Golden Nuggets:
·      3 in 10 Americans will be disabled before retirement
·      90% of disabilities are non-work related

This is a guarantee issue plan (because it’s a payroll account) – no medical questionnaire
Minimum requirement: $21,000 from this employer
You are eligible to get six months and up to $1300/month

Best for when you know how much you absolutely need every month to survive.

Life Insurance

Life insurance is to help provide for loved ones in the event of your death. This is money that you’d like to set aside for your loved ones.

As you may or may not know, a funeral/burial can cost upwards of $15k. Not only are they grieving for your loss, they are stuck with a huge financial burden as well. Covers any debt, as well as uninsured medical costs. If you’re a parent, your children depend on your income for ongoing family expenses, education, emergency funds and retirement.

For less than a dollar a day, you can get coverage to protect your loved ones from the financial impact of (god-forbid) your death.

5 to 8 x (Annual Salary) = Life Insurance you need

We target incomes between 25k – 75k. If you need more, I can refer you.


Hospital Advantage

Hospital advantage is designed to help pay for visits to a hospital or doctor for a covered sickness or injury (including maternity). You do need major medical insurance (not Medi-Cal or Medi-Care) to qualify.

This was brought into effect specifically to help cover high-deductible health insurance. In most cases, if you are to spend money out of pocket, it’s going to be because one of four things: 1) Surgery, 2) Ambulance rides, 3) Out-of-Network doctor visits, or 4) Hospitalization.

Some golden nuggets:
·      Initial hospitalization >23 hours: $500
·      Ambulance: $100
·      ER: $50 (2x/year)
·      Other benefits for medical diagnostic imaging, surgery, daily confinement

This includes a 12-month look-back and look-forward clause, and will not cover sicknesses until you’ve had the policy in effect for 30-days.


The cancer plan is to provide financial protection from cancer and cancer-related treatment costs. As you know, the chances of getting cancer during your lifetime is 1 in 2 for men, and 1 in 3 for women. The average cost of treatment for breast cancer is $21,000. Lung or prostate cancer can exceed $40,000.

The good news is that with medical science today, Cancer is a very treatable disease. And if detected early, with proper treatment you will probably survive. But treatment can take many years. As a result, it can be financially devastating. This is precisely why over 60% of bankruptcies are caused by medical bills. 

Your major medical plan will do a great job on basic treatment costs. But major medical will never cover everything. Our plan covers things that your health insurance can’t guarantee they will cover, like reconstructive surgery, experimental therapy, immunotherapy, anti-nausea drugs, and NCI specialist assistance.

Golden Nuggets:
·      Initial diagnosis: up to $6,000
·      Chemo (injected): $900/week
·      Radiation: $500/week
·      Total payout can be up to $50,000

Would it give you peace of mind to know that, god forbid cancer should occur, you and your family will be taken care of financially and know you’ll be able to afford the best care possible?

If you’ve had cancer before, you must be 5-years treatment free to receive benefits for the same cancer going forward. This plan also includes a 30-day elimination period.

Specified Health Event

The specified health event plan is to provide financial protection from serious illnesses including heart attack, stroke, kidney disease, major 3rd degree burns, and coma. Someone suffers a heart attack every 34 seconds; a stroke every 40 seconds. The average cost of treatment for heart attack and stroke in California is $92,000.

The good news is that with medical science today, heart attacks are a very treatable disease. With proper treatment you will probably survive. But treatment can take many years. As a result, it can be financially devastating. This is precisely why over 60% of bankruptcies are caused by medical bills. 

Your major medical plan will do a great job on basic treatment costs. But major medical will never cover everything. Our plan covers things that your health insurance can’t guarantee they will cover, like major human organ transplants, speech therapy for stroke and lodging if you need to travel to special hospitals out-of-state.

Golden Nuggets:
·      First occurrence: up to $7,500
·      Recurrence: $2,500
·      Major organ transplants: $25,000
·      Speech therapy for stroke: $125/day
·      Total payout can be up to $13,000 per incident

Would it give you peace of mind to know that, god forbid a heart attack or stroke should occur, you and your family will be taken care of financially and know you’ll be able to afford the best care possible?

If you’ve had one of these specified diseases before, you must be five-years treatment free to receive benefits for the same disease going forward. This plan also includes a 30-day elimination period.



The dental plan provides comprehensive coverage for dental procedures. The best part about this plan is that you choose your dentist. There are no networks.

Immediately, you can receive benefits for wellness and X-rays. After certain waiting periods, your plan will cover you for more sophisticated procedures including fillings, root canals and oral surgeries.

Like many plans, Aflac pays you cash based on the treatment provided. But Aflac can also pay the dentist directly. Aflac is very popular with dentists, because they understand Aflac pays cash. Because you won’t have to go through insurance, you can guarantee a doctor that they will be paid within a much shorter period of time than through insurance.

Golden Nuggets:
·      Basic oral evaluation will pay out $50. X-rays will pay you an additional $35.
·      A root canal for the molar (back tooth) will pay up to $400.

There are no deductibles, and you can choose with your dentist what the best treatments are based on the procedure payout schedule.


The vision plan provides comprehensive coverage for your eyes, paying you cash from basic exams to the treatment of severe eye diseases.

You have three (3) options to choose from:
1.     You start receiving benefits immediately, and each year you get $80 for vision corrective materials (glasses/contacts).
2.     You wait 12 months first, and then every other year you receive $175 for vision correction materials (glasses/contacts).
3.     You wait 24 months first, and then every three years you receive $270 for vision correction materials (glasses/contacts).

This depends on what you know about your eyes, and how often you think you’ll need to go see the eye doctor. 

You will also receive a $45 benefit for annual eye examinations

You will receive $1,000 for any specific eye diseases or disorders, like glaucoma.

This is great coverage that allows you to tailor your $ benefits to your specific needs, all for the same price.